Each term, I have the students do presentations for biology class. This term, they presented on science news articles. To kick it off, I did two sample presentations, one normal one about new potential evidence of life on Mars, and one creative one for the article "Game Theory Explains Why You Can't Hurry Love" (see the original article here). I decided to write a song, a science-teacher-version of the old Supremes classic.
When Valentines came along and passions were raging, I decided to do a quick recording and send it out to the kids as a fatherly reminder :)
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Verse 1
Let’s set up our equations
Try to model this thing called love
Let men be good or bad in the lady’s view
If she chooses well, she’ll make a gain
But a bad one will lead to a loss
The man wins either way
He just wants to know what the equations say . . .
And what do they say?
You can’t hurry love
The Supremes they got it right so long ago
The equations show
That when the lady waits
She’ll find a guy worth her time
Can’t hurry love
Verse 2
In a stable equilibrium
Where the guys and girls both win
A good man sticks around for a long courtship
This lets the lady screen her man
And see if he’s up to par
Sure, time is lost, but it’s worth it
Just to find the perfect match
And why is that?
So take my advice and take your time
Don’t argue with the math
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Can't Hurry Love
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